Thursday, March 27, 2008
Media echo – prompt, thoroughly edited and from multiple sources
(Page visited on 2008/03/27)
Extract: "The world of communication is a fast one and time is a key factor. You take decisions, coordinate and plan PR measures. You don’t have time to read twenty articles and comb through them for important information? Well, you don’t have to. Meta will do this for you."
DC title: Media echo – prompt, thoroughly edited and from multiple sources
DC creator: Meta Communication International
DC publisher: Meta Communication International
DC rights: Meta Communication International
DC type: Text
DC format : HTML
DC language: English
DC source: -
DC coverage: -
DC date: -
DC identifier :
DC description : Metacommunication proposes a press review service.
DC subject: Media monitoring, press reviews, provider of press reviews
Is The Traditional Press Review Still A Business Tool Of The Future?
(Page visited on 2008/03/27)
Extract: "Press reviews are still an extremely valuable business tool to get an overview about the information circulating in the media, but only in a format adapted to today’s fast workflow situation."
DC title: Is The Traditional Press Review Still A Business Tool Of The Future?
DC creator: KOEHLER, K
DC publisher:
DC rights: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
DC type: Text
DC format : HTML
DC language: English
DC source: -
DC coverage: -
DC date: 1999
DC identifier :
DC description : Presents weaknesses of the traditional press reviews in today's society of information. Presents automatic electronic press reviews as a solution. Advises to buy digital press reviews from a specialised entreprise.
DC subject: press clippings, press monitoring, providers of press reviews, text mining
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mining the news with semantic press
Notice and abstract available at: (Page visited on 2008/03/20)
This article sounds interesting but i did'nt found the free full text article on the web.
Automated generation of press reviews
(Page visited on 2008/03/20)
Extract: "This application analyses press releases coming from nearly five hundred web sites"
DC title: Automated generation of press reviews
DC publisher: University of Verona
DC rights: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
DC type: Text
DC format : PDF
DC language: English
DC source: BELLOMI, F; CRISTANI.- Supervised document classification based upon domain-specific term taxonomies.- International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies .-2006: Vol. 1, N° 1 .- p37-46.- On line Available at:
(Page visited on 2008/03/20)
DC coverage: Italy
DC date: 2006
DC identifier :
DC description : A short extract about concept of text mining using proper names to select articles for press reviews.
DC subject: compagny names, industrial watch, metadata, press reviews, taxonomies, text mining
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Press monitoring
Extract: "At Press Index we understand that your monitoring requirements may involve more than searching for just one company name. Our standard service allows you to monitor an unlimited number of client-related keywords and provides sophisticated filtering options."
DC title: Press monitoring
DC creator: Pressindex
DC contributor: -
DC publisher: Pressindex
DC rights: Pressindex
DC type: Text
DC format : HTML
DC language: English
DC source: -
DC coverage: United Kingdom
DC date: 2004
DC identifier :
DC description : Presents a British on demand service of press watching.
DC subject: Pressindex, press monitoring, press watching, United Kingdom
DC relation: -
What is a clipping service?
Extract: "A clipping service is a “tool”, much like your computer or calculator or cell phone, for the express purpose of gathering business intelligence. To be effective, the clipping service must provide an individually tailored service to search out the precise information you need. We have no “stock” orders because what you need to know is unique to your organization. "
DC title: What is a clipping service?
DC creator: Texas Press Clipping Bureau
DC contributor: -
DC publisher: Texas Press Clipping Bureau
DC rights: Texas Press Clipping Bureau
DC type: Text
DC format : HTML
DC language: English
DC source: -
DC coverage: Texas
DC date: -
DC identifier :
DC description : Presents the press clipping service Texas Press Clipping Bureau offers.
DC subject: Economic watch, press clipping, Texas
DC relation: -
Thursday, February 21, 2008
newsWORKS Brochure
Ref: Affinité Europe .- newsWORKS Brochure [On line] .- 2006 .- Available at: (Page visited on 2008-02/21)
"Articles from newspapers or magazines can be copied almost instantly, and can be electronically edited and prepared for processing, either to create press reviews or archive the article."
DC title: newsWORKS Brochure
DC creator: Affinité Europe
DC contributor: -
DC publisher: Affinité Europe
DC rights: Affinité Europe
DC type: Text
DC format : PDF
DC language: English
DC source: -
DC coverage:
DC date: 2007
DC identifier :
DC description : Promotes a software solution for the management of media cutting. This creates press reviews from compiled press clippings. The press review is then published on the intranet.
DC subject: intranets, newsWORKS, press clippings, press reviews
DC relation: -
Saturday, February 2, 2008
From the printed press review to the digital mass review: three generations of cultural technology
Ref: HEINISCH, Christian; SCHLAPHOF, Kurt .- From the printed press review to the digital mass review: three generations of cultural technology (en ligne) .- 2004 .- available at: (visited: 2008/02/07)
"The digitizing of press review production was therefore initially the result of the quest for technical process improvements in further production steps. In the first stage of process optimization through the implementation of digital technologies, the publishing/editing procedure and the evaluation of the articles remains the same..."
DC title: From the printed press review to the digital mass review: three generations of cultural technology
DC creator: HEINISCH, Christian; SCHLAPHOF, Kurt
DC publisher: Wissenmanagement
DC rights: Wissenmanagement
DC type: Text (Journal article)
DC format : PDF
DC language: English
DC source: -
DC coverage:
DC date: 2004/03
DC identifier :
DC description : After presenting analog and digital cutting and pasting of press articles, describes how press reviews will soon become multimedia media reviews and concludes computer-based semantic analyses will be simplified this way.
DC subject: digitizing, information flood, multimedia media reviews, press monitoring, press reviews
Thursday, January 31, 2008
FRANCE national report
Ref: JANSSENS Marie-Christine, KLEIN Michel, PICCIOTTO Sol, DANG Jacques .- Joint report on copyright in E-Learning courses : comparative analysis framework – national reports (en ligne), .- 2007/01/13, available at (visited: 2008/02/07)
"Once the work has been communicated to the public according to the L 125-5(…)of the CPI it is allowed to make short quotations from published works provided that the author’s name is clearly mentioned as well as the source." p.87
DC title: FRANCE national report
DC creator: JANSSENS Marie-Christine, KLEIN Michel, PICCIOTTO Sol, DANG Jacques
DC publisher: PROLEARN, University of Lancaster
DC type: article
DC format: PDF
DC language: english
DC source: Joint report on copyright in E-Learning courses : comparative analysis framework – national reports; p.72-96
DC coverage: Europe
DC date: 2007-01-13
DC identifier:
DC description: Presents rights about creative works in France, espeacially E-learning courses. Identifies moral rights of the author and economic rights of publication. Presents authorised uses of a creation and exception to the rights of the author. (Note: This last part of the article especially deals with press reviews and quotations among exceptions.)
DC subject: copyrights, creative works, economic rights, E-learning, European Directive, France, press reviews, rights of the author
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Copyright: The exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something (as a literary, musical, or artistic work)
Les droits d'auteur sont ceux attachés à la qualité d'auteur telle que définie par l'article L113-1 du code de la propriété intellectuelle. Les droits de l'auteur sont moraux et patrimoniaux. Les droits moraux sont ceux qui portent sur l'identité de auteur et de son oeuvre et sur l'intégrité de celle-ci. Les droits patrimoniaux sont les droits de représentation et de reproduction de l'oeuvre. L111-1 à L123-12 du code de la propriété intellectuelle
Digital rights:
Ownership of information content published and distributed in electronic format, protected in the
French equivalent: Droits numériques:
Le droit numérique est la partie du droit spécifique aux nouvelles technologies. Il régit les problèmes créés par l'émergence de la société de l'information, et vise principalement :
Exception of the rights of author: Some exceptions are subject to the owner’s right to remuneration. In some countries also (e.g.
French equivalent: Exception au droit d’auteur
French equivalent : Hyperlien:
Lien hypertexte dans un document.
Intranet : A network operating like the World Wide Web but having access restricted to a limited group of authorized users (as employees of a company)
French equivalent: intranet:
Réseau informatique privé, à l'intérieur d'une organisation, qui utilise les protocoles de communication et les technologies du réseau Internet.
Source :
Press review:
A document built of different press- and web-clippings that could be interesting/important for an organization to know.
Source :
French equivalent: Revue de presse:
Compte-rendu des principaux articles des journaux.
Quotation: Words or passages reproduced from a written work or repeated verbatim from an oral statement. Because words and phrases taken out of context may give a misleading impression of the whole, care must be taken in selecting quotations.
Source: )
French equivalent : Citation:
Passage emprunté à un auteur.